reports of Dr. F. Sheu (since 2020),
1. Wu YJ, Kuan YC, Sheu F*. 2025. Revealing the roles of solar withering and shaking processes on oolong tea manufacturing from transcriptome and volatile profile analysis. Food Res. Int. 201: 115586 (SCI)
2. Hu YY†, Lo IH†, Hsiao JT, Sheu F.* 2024. qPCR-based quantitative microbiome profiling elucidates the microbial dynamic succession in backslopping fermentation of Taiwanese pickled cabbage. J. Sci. Food Agri. 104(14): 8604-12 (SCI)
3. Yang YR†, Wu WK†, Hsiao JT, Hsieh SC, Sheu F*. 2024. Combination of chemical modifications improves rice protein solubility. J. Cereal Sci. 118: 103939 (SCI)
4. Hsiao JT, Kuan YC*†, Sheu F*†. 2023. Cold shock treatment delays broccoli flower bud yellowing by repressing the gene expression of glycine-rich RNA-binding protein 2, a senescence-associated protein involved in the regulation of stomata opening. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 201: 112367 (SCI)
5. Hsiao JT, Chen KH, Sheu F*. 2022. Determination of the soybean allergen Gly m 6 and its stability in food processing using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry coupled with stable‐isotope dimethyl labelling. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A. 39(6):1033-1046. (SCI)
6. Wang HT, Cheng YJ, Hsiao JT, Sheu F, Kuan YC*. 2022. 17-(Allylamino)-17-demethoxygeldanamycin treatment induces the accumulation of heat shock proteins and alleviates senescence in broccoli. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 186: 111818. (SCI)
7. Chen KH, Liu CC, Lu SY, Chen SJ, Sheu F, Fu LM*. 2022. Rapid microfluidic analysis detection system for sodium dehydroacetate in foods. Chemical Engineering Journal. 427: 131530. (SCI)
8. Chen KH, Li YC, Sheu F, Lin CH*. 2021. Rapid screening and determination of pesticides on lemon surfaces using the paper-spray mass spectrometry integrated via thermal desorption probe. Food Chem. 363: 130305. (SCI)
9. Ko CH, LiuCC, Chen KH, Sheu F, Fu LM*, Chen SJ. 2021. Rapid microfluidic colorimetric analysis system for sodium benzoate detection in foods. Food Chem. 345: 128773. (SCI)
(†: equal contribution, *: corresponding author)
1. Fuu Sheu, Chi-Fai Chau and Hui-Hsin Chang. 2010. Macrophage-activating Mushroom Proteins and the Possible Pathways. In "Recent Advances in Food and Flavor Chemistry". RSC Publishing . (Cambridge, UK). pp. 435-47.
1. 茯苓之新免疫調節蛋白丕希琵 (PCP). 2014. (我國專利證書號 I422381)
2. 口服金針菇製品於調節免疫反應的應用. 2012. (我國專利證書號 I374747)
3. 白木耳之新免疫調節蛋白台福平 (TFP). 2010. (我國專利證書號
4. 動物餵食器. 2010. (我國專利證書號 I 327892)
5. Protein ACA1 of Antrodia Camphorata. US patten apply code: 11/015,078 (12/18/04)
6. 口服飛益福 (FIP-fve) 於抗腫瘤的應用. 2007. (我國專利證書號 I277423)
7. 樟芝之新蛋白阿卡安1(ACA1). 2007. (我國專利證書號 I285207)
1. 我國專利申請
雲芝蛋白萬疾劈 (YZP) . (我國專利審查中, 案號: 102TP006511 )
2. 我國專利申請
台灣金線連之新免疫調節蛋白艾帕芙 (IPAF) . (我國專利審查中, 案號: 100TP172272)
1. 複方保健植物飲料之開發. 2006. 技術轉移至味全食品工業股份有限公司.
2. EcgoGuard 天然保健配方. 2008. 技術轉移至東阪國際有限公司.
3. 保健金針菇檸檬果汁配方技術及飛益福於抗腫瘤應用專利. 2008. 技術轉移至味全食品工業股份有限公司.
顏國欽 主編. 2010. 最新食品衛生安全學. 第19章 食品追溯. 藝軒圖書出版社.
林長平 主編. 2009. 生物技術概論. 第一章 生物技術的範疇. 華杏出版股份有限公司.
許輔.黃 鵬.楊大吉. 2014. 我國與各國有機加工產業之發展策略. 農政與農情. 269: .
許 輔. 2014. 食品登錄與食品追溯. 科學月刊. 2014.11.15. 2014(11): 10-2.
許 輔. 2014.食品技師制度面面觀. 食品資訊. 2014(1): 66-70.
許 輔. 2014.食衛法修法的省思. 食品資訊. 2014(2): 74-76.
許 輔. 2014. 食品登錄不只是上網登記. 食品資訊. 2014(3): 22-26.
許 輔. 2014.盤點食品標示造成的影響. 食品資訊. 2014(4): 32-35.
許 輔. 2014.何謂食品專家. 食品資訊. 2014(5): 18-21.
許 輔. 2014.對加工業者談談基因改造. 食品資訊. 2014(6): 20-23.
許 輔、林欣微. 2009. 二○○九有機新法問與答. 消費者常見之問題與回答. 台大農業推廣專輯第七輯. (ISBN 978-986-02-0208-3) 台大農推會.
許 輔. 2008. 看漫畫學產銷履歷. 消費者常見之問題與回答. 台大農業推廣專輯第六輯. 台大農推會.
許 輔. 2007. 農糧產品產銷履歷 QA 問答集 . 台大農業推廣專輯第五輯. 台大農推會.
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